Saturday, April 25, 2015

Weapons We Want in Guild Wars 2

Let's do this quick and silly because let's be honest, this is a lite topic completely based on speculation and filled with bias.  This is my list of weapons I'd like to see added into Guild Wars 2.  Now for those who aren't quite familiar with the game, know that classes have unique abilities/spells based on the weapon they are wielding.  Adding even one weapon to the game, would be adding 2-5 abilities for a single class but most likely dozens split between them.  We won't be discussing weapons other classes can use already, as very likely with the coming update we will see our wishes granted in that regard.  Let us focus on things entirely new for every class.

First I wanted to show you some concept art that reveals weapons that we don't have in the game yet.  We may or may not get these but I feel that since they are at least in concept art, we have a higher chance of them being realized.  "Spears / Cannons"  I'm sure there are more weapons than these that are in art but not in game so let's keep looking and hoping!

We also already have models/items in game for underwater weapons, so I think it could be safe to assume that we will eventually be able to use them on land at least in some capacity/combo with certain classes.  This is also where I got my inspiration for using spears.  This, plus the fact we see concept art with spears, I think it is a very safe bet we will be seeing them eventually.  But also I think Harpoon-guns and Tridents could work well with some classes.  I'll be sure to elucidate when we get to the specific class.

We also don't have crossbows. So why not?  If we can have a distinct skillset between shortbow and longbow, then we should be fine with adding crossbow.

Lastly I want to throw in a weapon purely based on the fact that no other weapon in the game is like it so far.  That is the Scourge.  You can call it whip, chains, w/e, let's just get it in the game already.  

3 classes get Cannons, 3 classes get Scourge, and 3 classes get Crossbows.

Cannon / Harpoon Gun

Cannon / Spear

Scourge / Trident

Crossbow / Harpoon Gun

Cannon / Spear

Crossbow / Spear

Scourge / Trident

Scourge / Trident

Crossbow / Harpoon Gun

So far we have next to no evidence to tell us what weapons the Revenant will be using when he launches, but assuming they give him unpopular weapons (Water: Harpoon Gun / Trident) then we will just say that as new content, he will get the crossbow and the harpoon gun as usable weapons on land later on.  Plus that evens out everyone's new toys to play with with 3 of each.

If you are curious as to how a Harpoon Gun might work on land, think about the abilities we already see on class kits with it equipped. Imagine a Thief ability that lets him grapple hook as a movement ability.  Picture an engineer who pulls enemies into his turrets/mines.  

The Trident, I imagine, would be similar to the difference between shortbow/longbow but compared to staff.  One would be more aoe focused/long range focused and the other conal or single target and closer range.

And as for spears, well, they are already a known land weapon historically and we even see some mobs in game use them.  I'm sure ArenaNet could have fun designing kits around it.  Maybe even a thrown move or two.

Let's hope that we do in fact get entirely new weapons added into the game, as well as current weapons being included in classes that before didn't have them.  There are already a lot of environmental items that can be picked up with very interesting move sets "such as Banners which could give inspiration for the Polearm move set" and if we do get water weapons usable on land, we could just translate some of those abilities though some would have to change because of the reduction a plane of movement.

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