Sunday, April 26, 2015

What MODs Would You Buy?

Quick, What Mods would you actually spend money on?

For under $10 I'd buy:
MODs that are essentially a new game.

For under $5 I'd buy:
Massive Expansions
i.e just like Falskaar, which adds hours and hours of content, new quests with voice acting even!  New spells, items, etc.  However, just like how some workshops items are introduced into the public client, I would want these expansions to be maintained by the developers of the games and to be "quality controlled".  We see this in TF2 and DOTA 2.

For under $1 I'd buy
Single levels.
maybe it is a single dungeon or quest line,  maybe it is a collection of items with unique features.

For cents I'd buy
a single item or unique texture pack.

I think it is awesome that Steam wants us to spotlight mods and give revenue to the makers for creating them, but I feel pricing needs to be regulated as well as how they apply to be listed.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Weapons We Want in Guild Wars 2

Let's do this quick and silly because let's be honest, this is a lite topic completely based on speculation and filled with bias.  This is my list of weapons I'd like to see added into Guild Wars 2.  Now for those who aren't quite familiar with the game, know that classes have unique abilities/spells based on the weapon they are wielding.  Adding even one weapon to the game, would be adding 2-5 abilities for a single class but most likely dozens split between them.  We won't be discussing weapons other classes can use already, as very likely with the coming update we will see our wishes granted in that regard.  Let us focus on things entirely new for every class.

First I wanted to show you some concept art that reveals weapons that we don't have in the game yet.  We may or may not get these but I feel that since they are at least in concept art, we have a higher chance of them being realized.  "Spears / Cannons"  I'm sure there are more weapons than these that are in art but not in game so let's keep looking and hoping!

We also already have models/items in game for underwater weapons, so I think it could be safe to assume that we will eventually be able to use them on land at least in some capacity/combo with certain classes.  This is also where I got my inspiration for using spears.  This, plus the fact we see concept art with spears, I think it is a very safe bet we will be seeing them eventually.  But also I think Harpoon-guns and Tridents could work well with some classes.  I'll be sure to elucidate when we get to the specific class.

We also don't have crossbows. So why not?  If we can have a distinct skillset between shortbow and longbow, then we should be fine with adding crossbow.

Lastly I want to throw in a weapon purely based on the fact that no other weapon in the game is like it so far.  That is the Scourge.  You can call it whip, chains, w/e, let's just get it in the game already.  

3 classes get Cannons, 3 classes get Scourge, and 3 classes get Crossbows.

Cannon / Harpoon Gun

Cannon / Spear

Scourge / Trident

Crossbow / Harpoon Gun

Cannon / Spear

Crossbow / Spear

Scourge / Trident

Scourge / Trident

Crossbow / Harpoon Gun

So far we have next to no evidence to tell us what weapons the Revenant will be using when he launches, but assuming they give him unpopular weapons (Water: Harpoon Gun / Trident) then we will just say that as new content, he will get the crossbow and the harpoon gun as usable weapons on land later on.  Plus that evens out everyone's new toys to play with with 3 of each.

If you are curious as to how a Harpoon Gun might work on land, think about the abilities we already see on class kits with it equipped. Imagine a Thief ability that lets him grapple hook as a movement ability.  Picture an engineer who pulls enemies into his turrets/mines.  

The Trident, I imagine, would be similar to the difference between shortbow/longbow but compared to staff.  One would be more aoe focused/long range focused and the other conal or single target and closer range.

And as for spears, well, they are already a known land weapon historically and we even see some mobs in game use them.  I'm sure ArenaNet could have fun designing kits around it.  Maybe even a thrown move or two.

Let's hope that we do in fact get entirely new weapons added into the game, as well as current weapons being included in classes that before didn't have them.  There are already a lot of environmental items that can be picked up with very interesting move sets "such as Banners which could give inspiration for the Polearm move set" and if we do get water weapons usable on land, we could just translate some of those abilities though some would have to change because of the reduction a plane of movement.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Top Ten Most Unique Combat Classes in Video Games

Not many games have more than a handful of classes to pick from since normally using the term "Class" refers to a huge amount of customization like we see in modern MMO's.  Lately we have seen a surge of games that use "Characters" instead of "Classes" since that gives more uniquety and well...character to the game.  But I don't think classes will die, we just need to acknowledge good class design vs average and bad.  This list is setting out to do just that.

We will pick classes in any game, mmo or otherwise, that break the status quo and reaches above and beyond not in just that particular game but in consideration to all game's classes.  Let's compare them to similar classes in other games and find out which ones really stand out.

"we are looking at modern games and their current build that don't utilize a character or class combining system.  Only one game per slot."

Guild Wars 2


An incredibly mobile game with a class that completely takes advantage of that system.

Mesmers are very squishy and difficult to master because of their skill shot based crowd control abilities and their trickster styled mobility, hiding in clones or blinking away.  Within MMO's, most spells are channeled or instant cast but Mesmers actually have Mantras which need to be prepared ahead of time alike with their portals and aoe invisibility spells.  Mesmers can create  phantasms!  This ability alone make the Mesmer extremely unique compared to other games but also the Mesmer has a host of potential combos that make them one of the hardest if not the single most difficult class to master.

The Mesmer's unique profession mechanic skill is based off of the number of phantasms they have on the field and where they are located which then detonates them for a unique effect based on chosen burst skill.  This goes for most of the Mesmers abilities, almost all of them have secondary effects or alternate uses.  A backwards blink can be used in reverse to chase down an enemy, clones can be used for deception or for pure damage as you constantly detonate them.  The Mesmer has a lot of abilities shared with other classes, but no other class shares as many unique Guild Wars 2 features as we see in the Mesmer.  Plus let me say again...PORTALS!

World of Warcraft


The game that really popularized custom classes, we have to give it to the most diverse class of all.

World of Warcraft is known for its classes.  They are iconic, and each one is fun for it's own reasons mechanically.  One thing that makes classes interesting between each other is the fact that they all use different kinds of resources such as Rage, Energy, Mana, and Focus.  Even if a class directly shares a base resource, they have a secondary resource to manage such as the Death Knight's Rune system or Warlock's Burning Embers.  These classes fall under similar roles however, and very few can do all of them let alone give you an entirely unique play-style between them.  Enter the Druid.

The Druid can transform at will, which will not just change shape and some abilities, but entirely remold your character and your gameplay with a complete transition from mana based healing spells to energy based execution style attacks.  The Druid transforms into different forms which aesthetically is very fun but also mechanically, gives the Druid more versatility than any other class in any game.



With "True Action Combat" as the motto, we picked the class that was closest to said action.

TERA's gameplay is heavily focused towards boss based endgame dungeons which are grossly challenging and the centerpiece to any group is the Lancer class.  The difference between victory or defeat lay in the skilled hands of the partie's Tank.  The only class that has a true blocking mechanic like we see the action RPG Dark Souls, players really feel the weight of their class in terms of actual combat and responsibility for their team.  Not exactly the most mobile class but also not tool-less, the Lancer class has an assortment of abilities to use in order to escape, engage, stun, snare, pull, knockback and all that combined with their aoe boons, debuffs, and heals rests a lot of pressure on a players shoulders but gives them a huge amount of power.  

The Lancer really takes advantage of TERA's aiming and movement system.  Being able to chain together enemies if the player is accurate, dash attack forward for massive damage and cc if timed correctly, or dodge skill shots in conjunction with blocking allows players a lot of room for error and tactical choice in battles whether that is in dungeons or PvP.  The Lancer plays a role no other class could do alone and you won't get a similar experience in any MMO.

Final Fantasy 14

White Mage

Enjoy statistical combat over mechanical?  Then no other game and class combination suits better.

The healing archetype has so many different forms depending on the game, but for MMO's, it so far has been rather stagnant.  Considering all things, the glorified wack-a-mole game that healers play is still important and to some people very fun.  Final Fantasy XIV: ARR is a math heavy game, that instead of movement, leaps, dashes, and knockbacks, we get mostly standstill combat with numerous buffs/debuffs/attacks and heals to keep track of.  So other classes are outdone by games with more mobility and explosiveness, but healers almost regardless of other game mechanics, play very similar across games.

The class that probably does the usual healer archetype the best, and the game that suits that playstyle the most, would be Final Fantasy XIV: AAR's White Mage, the main healing class.  Manage aggro, keep your dots stacked, top off your tank, and manage all of the parties HP while they beat down the boss.  It's simple in theory but in practice things can get hectic and with all the numbers that will be flying at you and off your parties HP bar, it'll keep you on your toes.



In what amounts to an open world tower defense game, why not pick the class with the most turrets?

FireFall is a game about farming materials while holding back waves of enemies.  Almost all of your quests, crafting, and missions will involve a tower defense or horde survival type of gameplay.  The Bastion is for players who love action combat, but also deeply appreciate strategy and tactic.  What makes this class fun is the fact that huge waves of monsters, bugs, and other assortments of baddies, will absolutely swarm you and learning where/when to place turrets and use power ups is key.  Part of the fun of this very defensive class, and this goes for all turret classes, is coming up with tactics to use your defenses offensively.

As the Bastion, you are everyone's friend, and mob's worst nightmare.  It is even possible to defend multiple "Thumpers" at the same time if you are skilled and you can be a huge boon to any party to round out both offense and defense between your turrets, grenade launcher/smg and power ups.  No other turret based class in any game has both the amount of action or strategy that you will get out of the Bastion.

Team Fortress 2


TF2 has the most unique classes of any arena shooter yet, and we picked the most intriguing one.

There was some controversy over whether the "Classes" in TF2 really counted as "Characters" or not but in the end because of the amount of customization with different weapons and how they entirely affect gameplay, we decided they were closer to true "Classes" despite how much character they have.  

No other game has a character that can literally disguise as another person on the enemy team and then proceed to literally backstab "teammates".  The hectic and comical atmosphere that is TF2 PUGs, allows the Spy and other classes to do things other competitive shooters couldn't dream of doing.  The interaction of these classes which are so varied and unique really brings out the best in all of them and it reflects in the gameplay especially with the Spy.  Hiding from spy checking pyros and trying to blend in to the enemy team so you can place a sapper on an enemy engi's turret, all fun that you simply cannot get anywhere else.

Dragon Nest


Sometimes the only way out is through a horde of monsters, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Dragon Nest is sister title to Vindictus and has very cartoon approach comparatively but still has just as much if not even more action/physics based combat.  It is all about chaining different combos in order to maintain a constant soft and hard CC on the surrounding mobs so that you can stay alive.  Basically, don't stop wrecking shit or else you'll get your shit wrecked.  So it is only natural that this game would have classes that all are very "Big" and explosive with their abilities.  The class that has the most "OOMPH" than any other while slashing and dashing across dungeons would have to be the Warrior of Dragon Nest.  

Now an argument could be made about how this "Class" is gender locked with very limited customization so it should be considered a character, but there is a difference between stagnant ability sets like we see in MOBA heroes, and the Class system in place here.  The Warrior's playstyle is huge, its all about giant attacks whether that is tornadoes sweeping the field or multiple giant lunar blades ripping across a dungeon.  You can play a more run and gun Warrior, sweeping and dashing around or go full nuke and focus on giant attacks.  Either way, the gameplay you experience from playing a Warrior in Dragon Nest is second to none.

Black Desert 

For those who want to manage a summon but also be in the thick of it.  That and more awaits!

Black Desert is an incredibly action packed game with amazing stylistic visuals and the class that takes the most advantage of that and really shows off, also happens to have one of the most unique mechanics we see in classes, summoning, meet the Tamer!  

The Tamer class of Black Desert allows the player to summon a familiar which commits to epic battles and allows the player to even mount them for a complete change of pace!  But don't worry, as the Tamer you are still very much capable alone.  With Black Deserts unique "formation" system, you can stay in formation while you command your pet to go and flank or maybe use the summon as a mount in order to quickly brake and make formations.  Overall, the Tamer looks great and has far more fluid mechanics than other summoning classes and drastically more impact.

Diablo 3

Demon Hunter

Sometimes what makes a class special is how varied the gameplay can be within itself.

Diablo 3 is a game that can be played solo or optimally in a group so a lot of the class mechanics give rise to competitive party builds or casual questing builds.  What Diablo also does is give just enough freedom to create a diverse potential for each individual class while still maintaining strict class guidlines and gameplay.  

 Skill shots, or homing, traps or instant abilities, survivability or destructibility, aoe or single target.  These decisions can be made to customize the class and surely other classes in the game have similar decisions but the player mechanics required for perfect play is incredible and also incredible fun with the fast paced and risky nature of the Demon Hunter.  This class is exemplary because of the control scheme of the game and how the Demon Hunter interacts with that.  Learning to kite or even when you should be kiting vs straight up dps.  To a lot of people, top down games = point, click and win but once player plays a class like the Demon Hunter, they can begin to appreciate the deeper mechanics of the game.  



If you aren't a fan of wack-o-mole but still want to be a healing class over a support class...

Wildstar essentially has taken World of Warcraft's combat, refined it, and then added more epic into the mix.  One very important factor to WildStar is just how frantic it is and how much it focuses on area denial and aoe skill shot abilities.  The Class that almost entirely focuses on this mechanic is the Medic.

The Medic in Wildstar, instead of analyzing stats and number entirely, focuses on the positioning of his teammates and enemies and reacts to that.  Maintain the flow of combat by setting up healing stations for teammates, and damaging AOE spells for enemies.  Know that your abilities are skill shots, and sometimes you have to move very quickly in order to clutch save a teammate.  This is hard because of how fast the game moves.  Just don't miss...or wait too long...or use the wrong skill...or get hit yourself.  No other game has such a multi-talent skill cap on a healing class than what we have here in WildStar.

Monday, April 20, 2015

How Overpriced is Alienware? 2015

Alienware is a popular site for custom built computers but also notorious for its price and premium.  If you are looking to buy an awesome new gaming machine, then you are no doubt at least curious about this brand.  Can you get the same functionality somewhere else for less?  What about the trimmings?  Let's find out.  We will take the current known specs of these machines, and buy similar parts in a vain to recreate the hardware and then compare the price of the two machines.

Know that Alienware has unique selling points outside of hardware
  • Customer Service / Warranty Protection
  • Exclusive deals for additional purchases during PC customization screen for peripherals.
  • One of a kind case designs.
  • Payment options such as pay over time "apply"

Using base models of the highest tier for comparison.

Alienware 17 $1499.99

What We Compared

Provides identical performance but with a more ergonomic design and more external ports.

Exact price but far thinner and only a bit slower.  Still, despite it being smaller provides more ports.

At this price point we can either get a much thinner gaming laptop that runs slightly slower or one of a similar bulk and almost identical specs.  Essentially, the Alienware laptop is actually not a horrible deal in the laptop gaming space.  You will come out even if you decide to make the purchase.  However know that in most cases "literally most other laptop CASINGS" you will get more ports or comfortable design.  

Alienware Alpha $849.99

The Alienware Alpha is one of the most unique pc's to be built of recent, though, come soon far more competition will arrive with other Steam Machines on the horizon.  For now, it is very hard to compare this machine with others, especially since you can add one of these guys at a huge discount when purchasing a full priced Alienware PC.  Just know it is extremely small, smaller than your gaming console and  It also runs on a modified OS.  This is to be used as a media machine and since it's selling point is its small size, you would be hard pressed to find something similar. "Once the OS (steam machine) and gameplad are released, this will be the smallest, least expensive, most capable Steam Machine." - Frank Azor, Alienware General Manager.  However, if you were to take the budget for an Alienware Alpha and put that into an ATX form factor build, you would certainly get a better bang for buck performance.
Alienware X-51 $1649.99

What We Bought
Processor - Same
Memory - Same
GPU - GTX 970 4GB vs GTX960 2GB
Wifi - Yes
SSD - Same
HDD - Same

The X-51 is a small PC, but still a complete PC unlike its younger sister the Alienware Alpha.  We ended up saving money, getting better performance, and still getting an incredibly stylized case with our purchase of iBuyPower's Revolt.  This price doesn't include all the free stuff you get such as entire games and peripherals you receive when buying from iBuyPower.  Overall we did more than just save, so if I had to recommend one over the other, hands down it would be the Revolt.  

Full Size

What We Bought 
not including sales/shipping 

Windows 8.1 $99.99
Because we don't have a pc without an OS and Windows is the gaming platform.

Cream of the crop, you don't get better performance even on games that don't run all cores.

3 GTX 980 $569.99 *3
A great card alone, 3 will push this build to the extreme.

16GB of ram at this speed is probably overkill but good future proofing.

This is either for very fast boot times or silky smooth loading during games.

4TB HDD $159.99 *2
We went with 2*2TB HDDs because performance is better and safer.

Couldn't get a slot loaded drive which in itself is actually worth a lot for aesthetics.

1600w PSU $399.99
This will power everything in the pc safely for a long time.

If we are spending this much money on parts, we want something that can bring it all together.

Total: $3920.68
Difference: $579.31
We haven't bought our case yet you can see there is still room for even the most expensive cases and you will still save money.  If you aren't looking for a ludicrously priced case, then you might just end up saving 400-500 dollars.  Keep in mind also, that we opted for parts that exceeded the Alienware's.  We essentially saved enough to go ahead and get a new monitor or two.  Seriously, if you took the sales/deals/combo's, you could save so much money it isn't even funny.  If you are considering using Alienware to configure you a very high end machine, just don't.  Look somewhere else or better yet, get on newegg and put it together yourself.  

If you want to buy from Alienware for their unique items, that is what they do best so very likely you will get a fair deal but give time, and other companies will emulate the form factors better much like what we saw with iBuyPowers Revolt.  Still, many people enjoy paying over time with Dell's preferred account.  Keep in mind that Alienware is a premium brand, and you are going to pay that.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Games Should Never Die

Some of my favorite games are simply unplayable and many more are in a state of decay as they become neglected by publishers, developers, and the community.  It is not entirely any single party's fault for the fall of these games but with that same reasoning we can find salvation for many long lost titles and ways of preservation for future games as well.

Much like how copyright protection is executed, I argue that the public should be entitled to remix, modify, and redistribute software that is no longer updated by the developer.

 As an example, this would allow players to legally run private servers, create new maps and weapons, for the modern competitive first person shooter Tribes Ascend which currently has no plans for future updates and is essentially dead.

In reference to the software release cycle, this would be the state after Gold which we will label as "Community Release or CR"

This state between Gold and CR will bring community additions to the game either through an official store or via legal downloadable mods.  If this sounds similar, very likely you are thinking of what Valve has accomplished with not just their games but many thanks to their Steam platform and the Community Workshop.

Every game should be aiming for a state of self evolving balance in its meta, self governing systems for cheating, and community driven expansive content.  A video game should be as self sufficient as possible with all shortcomings being attended to by the developer.  If a video game lacks any one of these states, it is doomed and should be focusing from pre-alpha to beyond release on achieving them.  In the end it is probably impossible to truly attain but the constant pursuit of these states is what gives a video game its longevity.  When the developer can no longer continue its pursuit, then it should hand off the torch to the community that still wants to carry on.

Games like DOTA 2 will probably live on forever and even if the parent game does eventually die, it is entirely possible that modifications will become their own unique IP as was the case with Warcraft and the mod that originated from that, DOTA.  There exists a potential cycle of death and rebirth, modification and remix that could prove profitable for the parent producers and developers as well as for the budding video game designers and others who seek to create art, sounds or entire worlds for their personal growth or maybe enjoyment.

Make a game that is fun, that is fair, and can be enjoyed forever.

While not all studios have the resources to accomplish such things, Valve probably has the most ideal platform to imitate.  With the inclusion of early access and crowd funding options, it might be possible to create a game from pre-alpha to past gold that is heavily community influenced.  I think opening up even small facets of interaction with video games can make a drastic difference in a game's lifespan.

To publishers, developers and to the entire gaming community, games should never die.

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Casual Creep. A look into why Freemium games are becoming more popular and at the same time degrading in quality.

This is a rant on mobile and browser games becoming increasingly more devious about their casual nature and the monetization that is tied into it.

In online games with constant updates, namely MOBA and MMO titles, the community realizes and discusses openly the power creep that occurs when new characters, spells and items are added to the game.  Let's take that concept but now translate it to Freemium games.  Many people feel uncomfortable talking about what I like to call "The Casual Creep" that is taking place with Freemium games.  Freemiums are some of the most popular titles despite the acknowledgment that the vast majority of these games are genuinely bad or toxic  to the community.

Not saying all are bad and honestly some of my favorite and most played games are of this genre - Angry Birds & Bad Piggies being good examples.

As more of these games get added to their respective stores, Google Play, Apple Store, Chrome Web, Facebook, etc, we should see an increase in quality & Depth and to a degree that is true but overall these kinds of games are improving in comical ways.  Commercials, making good facebook banners, having really colorful loading screens, artistic cutscenes, things that truly do not impact the actual gameplay but rather in order to "sell" itself and deceive the would be players into downloading the game.

Some games will even STEAL artwork from popular known titles for ads and even in game! 
Wartune ad- stolen from League of Legends

In MMO and MOBA games, we see constant and consistent updates to the individual titles but when considering the mobile market and Freemium as a whole, it is the opposite.  It is more about spamming a multitude of different games rather than polishing any single title which is the exact opposite philosophy of what makes a truly great free to play title.  F2P and AAA should not have to be exclusive terms.  While it is fine to make episodic adventures and expansions like we see in Angry Birds, it is NOT okay to create 10 different versions of the same game with very slight differences that essentially all amount to being pay to win regardless so the actual gameplay becomes irrelevant then.

Some of these producers/developers hide under different company names.  R2 games, makers of Wartune and League of Angles, also are tied to other company names and even if they are truly separate identities, all these pay to win sites link to each other in order to garner a presence online and get higher ranked search results. R2Games Game321 GTArcade just some examples.

The Casual Creep is real, because it makes money and is easy to do.  Even if the games themselves make no money from in app purchases, the ads on their respective sites will make it worth.  Sadly, this isn't just effecting casual games or even just free to play games, rather, the entire industry.  More and more games are spending an exorbitant amount of money on advertising versus the actual games development.  Ads sell, partnerships make development easier, and sponsorships help pay the way.  While this isn't an entirely bad thing because sometimes we wouldn't have the game without them, we are seeing a gross trend with games becoming more lame and emptier versus more grande and epic.

I review games non stop, and the majority of my reviews are actually of these trash titles.  Here is a quick example of said games: One Piece Online.  Keep in mind that this game is NOT officially licensed, and gives the player NO choice in actual gameplay.  It plays itself.  It has 2 sister titles that rip the art from Bleach and Naruto as well but maintain almost the exact same self playing mechanics.

Right now I don't think consumers have a real say or impact for this topic.  I think laws and regulations need to be put in place in order to stop the false advertisement of these games and force the companies to actually make better games instead of better ads.  Things like forcing these kinds of games to be classified as "Pay to Win" instead of "Free to Play" or being more strict with how we define what an "MMO" is.   A lot of these games excite audiences with claims that they truly can't live up to like the slew of arena shooters which should be defined as such instead make it to many search results and websites for being self classified as an "MMO" even though that is an entire lie.

The Casual Creep, where with every additional game added to the casual video game market, they become increasingly more deceptive and simple.  Nothing wrong with simple games, nothing wrong with good ads, but there is something wrong with being deceptive and when it gets to a point where you are making games that play themselves and ask for money so that you can SKIP parts of the game, then we have gone too far.